The Fox Den on Gloster

The Green Room



Centro  Yoga 

First came the Whiskey Wednesdayer’s, then came the clubroom.

During our many nights (so, so many!) on my front porch we often discussed having a place indoors to hang out. If you live in Mississippi then you know that our weather is less than forgiving to those who want to be outside. We imagined many versions of a clubroom but the designs ultimately took shape as it was being built.

The one thing I wanted most was an at-home feeling. That feeling that makes you feel safe and comfortable just being where you are. A mancave, that many of us want but may not be able to have in our own homes. 

 I poured all the personality I could into our small room to give it all we need to have a good time. A TV, record player with vintage vinyl, a beer selection, cigars and pipe tobacco, seats and tables, and a “throne room” anyone can be proud of!  Above all, I wanted to create a space that was fun and welcoming for anyone that walks through the door. We hope we succeeded.

The Burrow at the Den was created to bring people together. It has helped me build strong bonds of friendship in addition to helping with my own recovery from physical and mental trauma. Just another bit of information suggesting that we are all better together.

Come visit us in The Burrow at the Den for your “un-membership” experience. I promise to do all I can to make you feel as welcome I can.

The Burrow is a private clubroom built and designed for the Whiskey Wednesdayer’s Cigar Club. (We meet on Wednesday evenings.)

We (Whiskey Wednesdayer’s Cigar Club) are an all inclusive club that allows others to use our space, including an open invitation to visit with us on Wednesdays. We have an “un-membership” mentality. That means you do not need a membership to enjoy member benefits nor use our space. (See Whiskey Wednesdayer’s below for details)



Discover Our Yoga Studio

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain 


Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons (FCPS) is a postgraduate degree awarded by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Bangladesh upon completing specialized training in a chosen area of specialization and passing the examination in that specific speciality.


Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, or in Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus Baccalaureus Chirurgiae, are the two first professional degrees in medicine and surgery awarded upon graduation from medical school by universities in countries that follow the tradition of the United Kingdom.

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Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which quia consequuntur magni.

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